Friday 12 February 2021


Extreme #wind on our hill, scary trees at the end of our garden, ‑1 °c temperature [eee!! Ey?] and yet ANOTHER trip to the Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust this morning. Early. 

Brain scan [MRI]; every year. And no matter what anyone thinks, feels, says - this is the scariest for me all year until I’ve arrive on the other side this morning without having [perhaps literally] a small breakdown beside the horrible MRI creation. Thank god for the amazing people that look after me for this.

Today, speaking, common sense and bravery? Perhaps after the extreme noise in my head, the nervousness of using my same poor #head to make sure I don’t do anything the wrong way. I seem to do lots of things wrong, so my bravery is small today. Hey - onward and upward 

To be honest? That is where I say fuck. A lot - in and out of my head. Not just being jolly. It appears at it’s noisiest and most violent because your head does NOT want to go in there...

So. 9.30 this morning. 45 minutes of complete hideousness. The noise, for me, is possibly almost as incredible as being unable to “behave” as this is GREAT! See? For fucks sake...

I hope it’s still 45 minutes. They help me by telling me the minutes are passing - and how many I still have left. And DO NOT move. 

And those of you who have had this, keep your fingers crossed for me. #scary 

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