Wednesday 27 January 2021

days ARE interesting

Days are always quite interesting. No matter what you feel like. It always gets better if you hang on. 

I am still sort of trying to start this from the ‘I am dying’ sort of day, but I am still struggling there. So, you’ll just have to hang on for the very exciting bit [which I can’t remember…grr]

And I am possibly cursing without even noticing. But that is simply my own way to try to cope. Although I think I’ve always sworn. 

Shocking. Oh shriek. 

I do chuckle when people wander around pretending that everything is perfect when they speak and what they say.

Fall over laughing, oh yes I do…

Excellent #aRt last week. And sorting the #design for our last room in the wonderful house. 

The aRt was absolutely exhausting. And strangely enough, I don’t get what they say is: “fatigue” after brain injury. I don’t get fatigue. I get something else. Have to explain that another day. I think [for me] that it is more like needing to make more effort and to think in a concentrating way. No ‘looking at the sky’ for 6 seconds and then carry on - if I do that, I wonder where the hell I am for 5 minutes.

Anyway. We were supposed to draw 26 letters [of the alphabet] - we had 3 minutes to work on each one, which we were copying from pictures on the screen from our ‘zoom’ aRt project.

Very hard for me to take it in within three minutes - sometimes I have to listen more than once. My husband listened to it all. It is hard for me to concentrate on something. I need the time to digest what I am trying to understand. If I don’t stop and let my mind work, my brain causes some unpleasant behaviour, which I could not stop in the first 2 years after the brain injury. But, well - now I am not as bad as I was a few years back. Because now I can concentrate. I could NOT concentrate. At all.

Now I hold onto ‘behaving politely’ - instead of telling people to f*ck off, as I need TIME and patience.

Sometimes I try to ‘get it’ - sometimes I get serious pissed off and run away to dig up the garden or cook something with chicken and piri-piri!

And as the FH said, if I had been picked up immediately, I would have also been a lot more likely to have been back to normal quite quickly. Or even remotely! I will never be ‘normal’ again.

I am seriously thinking of working with the e e cummings effect on my blog. Less thinking…

This week, the aRt project, part 2 of 4. I love going - but I still get stressed, as it is… [no, not embarrassing] - it’s a bit undermining. I have a very, very low esteem. It is very hard to understand in my own head that what I am doing is not rubbish. And it doesn’t matter who says how fab something I did is - it is simply mine. Unusual for me to think my work is brilliant.

But I am now back onto the way of what I’ve always done. aRt. And I shall get there.

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